Hey, Mark Meyer here.

I am the Vice President of Consulting for The Unstuck Group helping churches across North America based out of Granger, Indiana. Additionally, I work with various businesses and organizations with strategic planning and coaching.

I believe churches and businesses can learn a lot from each other. I live in both worlds.

There’s something you need to know…. you matter. Your life, what you do, who you have relationships with, and the talents you have is where you’re at today. How did you get here? Where are you headed? Are you on a path making progress or are you stuck?

I absolutely love helping people and organizations get clarity on their strategic plans, leadership, team building, and cultures. What matters? How can we execute better? Where do we lack focus? Do we have the right players?

We have limited time on this side of eternity- let’s make the most of the days God has given us and let’s do something great. Now.

Several years ago I took a Strength Finders test and one of my top 5 was “Maximizer”- I help others and organizations improve.  Thus, Maximeyer…  I know, you wondered where it came from… or… maybe not.  

I look forward to connecting with you all- share this at will- comment at will-  it’s for you.
